The Number 8 Means More Than Just Luck
We know that in Chinese culture, the number eight is associated with happiness, luck and prosperity, but it means so much more to others...

Lucky Cell Phone Numbers: The Power of 8
Lucky cell phone numbers are big business in China. Just ask any of the Chinese vendors offering auspicious cell phone numbers at premium...

The Luckiest Buildings: 88 Floors and Beyond
Most of the tallest buildings in China have between 80 and 88 stories or a height dimension that ends with the number 8. Before...

08/08/08 Mania
August 8, 2008 was a day virtually all Chinese people looked forward to. Most famously, it was the date on which the 2008 Summer...

Chinese Airline Pays Top Dollar For Lucky 8 Phone Number
In August 2003, an auction was held for coveted phone numbers containing the lucky number 8. About 100 phone numbers with lucky digits...

The Phonetic Sound of “8”
The number 8 is to Chinese people what the number 7 is to Western culture, and likely much more so. After all, would Westerners go to the...

Pricey License Plates
In China, license plates are issued randomly, just like here in the US. However, there are auctions held for more desirable plates so...